The Power of Love
Love is the most powerful emotion on earth. Love heals. Love indirectly kills. I will give you an example. A couple that has been married 56 years; the wife dies, then the husband dies shortly after, of a broken heart. That is how powerful love is. I understand that “The Power of Love” is said to be a religious, philosophical, and metaphysical precept, but it is also a human emotion.
Many people love another person or if they get luckier, they fall in love with another person. It is the greatest feeling ever. If you are lucky like I am, you actually find the one man you were meant to be with, your soul mate. Not many people believe in such things as soul mates, true love and its sad to think that, it’s pathetic actually how cynical most people are these days.
A lot of people may laugh (aka. jealousy) when a person, such as myself, finds the one true love and lets it be known to others that I have met him. Others say, “one person can’t be everything to another person.” My reply to that is “Why not?” Are you that cynical and ignorant to the thought of there not being love that strong and powerful it does not exist? Are you a hater and not a lover? Are you that ignorant to think that something that great cannot happen to anyone, including yourself? Love does not discriminate. Love does not have any boundaries, unless placed by humans.
To me, true love, being with a soul mate is priceless. To be with a man who sweeps you off your feet constantly, knowing at all times you are the one they treasure most. There are no insecurities, no lies, and no conditions. Love is unconditional. I know I am the one he wants to be with for the rest of his life and he says it and makes it known to our friends and family. He creates security for me, as I create security for him. When you are in love with someone as well as love him or her unconditionally life has a new meaning. When life throws hurdles your way, nothing seems impossible.
I find it amusing how a person can mock another on the subject of love, when they themselves have no idea on the subject. People say they have loved or been in love, but have they really? Or are they in love with the IDEA of being in love? To me, if you love someone you do not lie to them, you do not abuse them- verbally, emotionally, physically, etc. You do not cheat on them either. None of those falls in the “I love you” category.
I know in my heart, mind, body and soul that the man I am with is meant for me, and I for him. We love each other, even with the knowledge of our faults. That is called unconditional love. There is no one in this world that could ever take his place. He is one of a kind, the most amazing man in the world, and he is mine!
CJD is the love of my life. He is my world. He is my strength. I would not change a thing. I love him completely and endlessly. Yes I have a job, school, friends and family but the power of our love keeps us strong. Keeps us together. Life is so much brighter, happier, and less stressful when you are with someone you love. I am so happy and lucky to have him in my life. He buys me diamonds and birthstone jewelry. We have seen a lot of the world together, and I cannot wait until we see the rest together. I cannot wait until we get married and have children. I know that our happiness and love will only get stronger and more powerful as time goes by. And if any of you know him, you know how wonderful, amazing, nice and genuine he is. I love him more and more each day.
So to all of you cynical, loveless people reading this, shame on you. There is such a thing called love. You cannot always be searching for love; it has to come to you. Sometimes there is a time and place for everything, love included. What your idea of time and place may not be God’s. Trust me, I have been down that road. I have not had the easiest life; I have seen the bottom of a pit before, its dark, cold and scary. With love, faith, family and friends anything is possible. Love heals all wounds; remember some take longer than others. Do not be jealous or envious. Just be. Learn. Live. Love. Be happy. Live your own life. Be your own person. Find love in your own life. Love makes the world go round. If humans loved as much as they hated, this world would be such a fantastic place to live in. Imagine the possibilities. Love. Just Love. It is so powerful.
copyright 2008 lac