Wednesday, February 27

The Stairs To My New Life

Here are the stairs to my new life with my amazing man. We have started a new chapter in our long, loving relationship. There is so much happiness, love and excitement that every day is a dream come true with him. Every day is an adventure with him. He treats me like a princess every day; like it is Valentine's Day year round. My man has enriched my life in so many ways, I can not count. I am so blessed to have him in my life (and his family) and I let him know that every day. I believe our strong bonds of unconditional love, our passion for life and each other as well as our faith, hope, and trust make us stronger day by day.
We look forward to the future of starting our own family. We look forward to being with each other when we wake up every day and say good morning. He is amazing. He puts me first in his life and he is first in mine. He is caring, understanding, faithful, honest, has a fabulous sense of humor, romantic, thoughtful..the list is endless and he is all mine! We can not wait to start our lives together. We are soul mates and we know this because we both feel it.

"It is said that one does not meet their Twin Soul or Twin Flame until they have learned many lessons of love, loss and forgiveness through other close relationships, that the heart is made resilient and strong through pain and loss, and must be so to face the intensity of being with the other half of their soul. Meeting the "other half of your soul" is generally so life changing and profound that this question is unnecessary.... you just know. Twin soul love is not to be confused with an obsessive/compulsive disorder; it's not a desire to "possess" another, but truly a challenge to love unconditionally and without expectation, to be whole and complete within yourself before joining with the other whole and complete side of your soul. The longing and desire to be with your twin soul is intense, but through growth and perception can be seen as the greater longing to join with the Divine, and that is the true lesson, you are two halves of a much greater whole. When you meet your twin, there will be no "game-playing" or manipulation; you will have the need to be transparently honest in your relationship and communication with one another. If there is karma from past lives to work out between you, it will be apparent and consciously worked out. If you or your twin is committed to another relationship, you will respect and honor that bond and realize the tests of unconditional love. Meeting your twin soul challenges you to grow spiritually, heal mentally, emotionally, physically, and to see beyond time, ego, and physical limitations. You will be driven with the desire to be the best manifestation of your soul on earth. This is not a relationship of hearts and flowers, but one that will be tested in fire and will endure beyond time and space."

I just recently had to attend services to a dear friend who was 28 years old and taken suddenly from this life. He was such a genuinely nice person, and we know there are not many of them around. He always knew how to put a smile on someone's face and brighten their day. He was a breath of fresh air and had a good aura about him; no one disliked him. He was a great person and it was so tragic for so many to have to say goodbye to him. R.I.P my friend.

In having to deal with a lot of deaths of loved ones at a young age, starting in high school, I have learned to appreciate life so much more, to not take people or things for granted like so many people do and so often. No one knows when The Boss Upstairs says it is your time to go. I live each day with such passion for life it brightens those around me and rubs off on others. I live each day like it is my last; I tell all my friends when I am done talking to them that I love them as well as my family, they are the same way. I am so lucky to be surrounded with so many genuinely beautiful, wonderful friends and family. I have a great boyfriend, great place to live, great job, finishing school- making the world a better place one person at a time. I am the happiest a woman in love could ever be or wish for. I hope others can be as fortunate as I and find their own love.


And when you appear
all the rivers sound
in my body, bells
shake the sky,
and a hymn fills the world.

Only you and I,
only you and I, my love,
listen to it.
–Pablo Neruda, “The Queen"

…you and I together have gone down a single river
with linked mouths filled with salt and blood…
–Pablo Neruda, “Furies and Sorrows”

I have gone marking the atlas of your body
with crosses of fire.
My mouth went across: a spider, trying to hide.
In you, behind you, timid, driven by thirst.
–Pablo Neruda, “Twenty Love Poems: XIII”

I want
to do with you what spring does with the cherry trees.
–Pablo Neruda, “Twenty Love Poems: XIV”

Who, if he walked
amid the multitudes to seek me
(for I’m a kernel from the human granary),
didn’t find you, pressed to my roots,
raised in the song of my blood?
–Pablo Neruda, “Love”

…these days are hard and radiant
and from them we harvest sweetness
kneaded with eyelids and spines.
–Pablo Neruda, “Love”

Monday, February 25

This Is Elegance...

"You have delicate features; long, slight, graceful form;

and apparent ease in a red dress.

You have a refined, polished, and cultivated

demeanor that exudes breeding and opulence--

In short: you epitomize elegance."

Thank you for the compliment. It is nice to be tall, slenderly athletic, refined, intelligent and share my life with the most exceptional man in the world who is equal to me!

Thank you Mom & Dad for creating me!! xoxoxo

Elegance: the attribute of being unusually effective and simple. It is frequently used as a standard of tastefulness. Elegant things exhibit refined grace and dignified propriety.
Some associate elegance with simplicity and consistency of design, focusing on the main or basic features of an object, its dignified gracefulness, or restrained beauty of style.

Sunday, February 24

Blissfully Happy...

Our lives are blissfully happy

He tells me everyday so many wonderful things

He tells me how I am the "most wonderful girlfriend he's ever had"

No one has made him as "happy or content" as I make him

I make him want to be a better man and if you know him, he can't get much better

He tells me he wants to spend the rest of his life with me & he means it

He wants me to have his children, which is the best gift I could ever give him

He tells me every day how beautiful I am and how much he loves me

We are blissfully happy

I tell him he is the most amazing, wonderful man ever

He has made me the happiest woman alive, and continues to do so every day

He makes me want to be a better woman, and I have, he's magnificent;

I tell him I want to spend the rest of my life with him

and give him the greatest gift of all ~Life~

We are blissfully happy

We travel the world and enjoy each others time together

knowing that in the future we will be home with our children

We play sports together and enjoy

the healthy competition, we have a fantastic time

We spend quality time with each other's families

and they enjoy spending time with us

We are blissfully happy

I see it in his eyes

I feel it in his kiss, in his touch

He is a part of me when we make love

He is all I need, I am all he needs

Together we complete each other

He is my anchor when I need one

I am his rock when he needs one

We are blissfully happy.

2008 copyright lac/cjd