Wednesday, May 24


there are many thoughts that cross my mind
it is amazing to me how the people who "claim" to love you the most
go out of their way to hurt you.
there was a saying I use to live by "keep your friends close, your enemies closer"
I guess you need to see who's lieing to you as a friend. pretty sad
that there are pathetic people out there who do this, but they are there.
It amazes me how much a person may go out of their way in life
to waste their time trying to make someone else's life miserable, and fail in the end.
So much time and energy wasted on negativity. Karma is a bitch.
I don't wish to be negative so I will not any longer.
There are many trials in life, some are not so easy.
I love life, regardless of its downs and I know that keeping
a positive attitude will only continue to bring me a positive life.
This picture I chose for this entry has a lot of meaning to me.
I am a free woman, that is going in great places and awaiting
great things to happen to me. I work hard and I love my family
and friends and I know who my friends are. They are part of me
part of my happiness, part of my success, part of my life.
People enter and leave your life for a reason, dont forget that.
I am a very happy woman, with great friends & family surrounding me.
Never will I take them for granted.
I have met someone who has touched my life in a positive way
I welcome it, I treasure it.
I hope everyone can be as lucky as I
to find that one, keep the one close
treasure the one, and live a happy life.
People need to move on, grow up and live their own lives
the past is only a distant memory, easily forgotten
copyright 2006 lac
“We cannot change our past. We can not change the fact that people act in a certain way. We can not change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.”

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