Wednesday, January 16


I have written many afterthoughts of Love and not so many of life. Some thoughts have flowed through my head lately while driving or painting and such. One is how lucky I am. Lucky to be alive, to have a wonderful family, friends and boyfriend.

Questions still arise in my head that make me wonder.... Why are humans so mean and full of animosity? Why is it so hard for people to smile instead of frown? Why is it so hard to smile back at someone whom has smiled at them instead of looking at them funny? Why is it so hard to be kind to someone or return a kind favor?

I do not understand why humans can not compromise and get a long. Why man has to be so consumed with hate, envy and spitefulness? It is so sad. Is it so hard to lend a helping hand? To smile at a stranger? Humans want to make the world a better place yet they make no effort. It will not change on its own. It's sad to also see that people feed off others bad fortune, problems, mistakes as if they are perfect themselves or better yet they are so miserable they wish it upon everyone else instead of trying to improve their own life.

It's sad how people try to destroy the happiness of other peoples lives, not knowing that they may cause a little turbulence but in the end you can not destroy happiness, especially if you do not know what happiness is yourself.

I try to be a positive person, it is not easy, but I do it. I surround myself with great positive friends and my family (families) and that helps. I try not to read the news because it is full of hate, murder, destruction. The human race is destroying itself. It is a scary thought. We do not need hurricanes, tornadoes or the such..humans do such a great job of destroying themselves without the added Mother Nature destruction.

Perhaps one day we will see some improvement before the end of the world. It is a scary thought to bring a child in to this world. A conversation that has come up in my life a few times with my wonderful man, however, we both think positive and believe that only good can come from having a child together and hope that they will help make the world a better place.

I wish Mother Teresa were still alive. She is a Saint. The world needs so many more like her. I pray all the time for people to change, to better themselves, even if it starts with a smile. A smile can do so much to brighten someone's day, even a strangers.

Is is so hard to care? There is a saying I follow "Always love your enemies, nothing annoys them so much." And kill them with kindness. It is something I have done quite a few times. It is a wonder how someone can loathe another person for no apparent reason. It can be quite comical as well, as long as noone is hurt. I think it also shows how ignorant a person is.
So should a person conceal their happiness for the sake of others?I have had to start a private family/friends webpage for my growing family and friends and my amazing mans' family as well due to others intrusion to try to ruin/snoop about our lives. It is a wonderful site and I think it is important to share our happiness and new events in our life with the ones who truly care about us. Near and far as they may be. I came up with the idea when a handful of our friends became engaged this past year and had their own private engagement/wedding websites which we will have as well. It also keeps out the wrong people which I thought was an excellent idea!
So I will continue to smile at all persons, friends, family, make someones day by smiling. I will promise not to throw "the finger" while driving when idiots are on the road (which I have been doing great at) those pesky Mass. drivers.. lol I promise to volunteer and help out more to those that need it. I promise to try to make the world a better place, one person at a time. The world can learn from the movie "Pay it Forward." God Bless.

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