Friday, September 23

How I See Me

how i see me, how i see myself ~ alive, free, yet protected. cautious yet lovable. seduction and sassyness. eyes that can tell a million feelings, sex appeal that can turn a soft man hard. the intimidating confidence, yet deep inside lacking. full of love and passion, wanting an outlet to reveal it all. open minded to all new things, willing to submit to the one true man. aura of goodness, kindness neverending. understanding and caring, locked inside. a crack in the wall, waiting for Him to find, knowing when He does, He is the one for me. knowing there is a soulmate for every one. believing He will come to me. heart beating vivaciously, skin tingling in anticipation. Knowing one day it will be a priviledge to bear Him His son. one of my favorite artists inspires me deeply, so creative and talented, seeing it deep to the core. my eyes hide nothing, my soul is there to see, looking into my eyes, there is nothing for me to hide. i am open and willing, will you give yourself to me? trusting and loyal I will always be, never would I stray, that could never be. My heart is for one man, whom ever God wishes it to be, hoping one day soon we will meet. I will know when I look into your eyes. Right then and there I will fall upon my knees. You will raise me up and say "come with me" together we will walk together for eternity. I love you for you are a part of me. I dont know who you are, but I know we were meant to be. I see myself happily in love. I see myself as I want my life to be. I will have what I want. I will be happy and in love with a family for eternity.

pic is "The Angel of Nekyia"A. Gonzalez

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